Sculpture Talks 2021 | In Dialogue: Trenton Baylor and Michelle Grabner
October 8th, 2021
7 PM
Join us for a dialogue between Milwaukee artists Trenton Baylor and Michelle Grabner. Trenton will elaborate on his sculptural practice followed by a discussion about the work of Thaddeus Mosley’s, Geometric Plateau, on view for Sculpture Milwaukee there is this We, (Summer 2021 – Fall 2022).
Thaddeus Mosley is a Pittsburgh-based, self-taught artist whose monumental sculptures are crafted with the felled trees of the city’s urban canopy; wood from local sawmills; and reclaimed building materials. Exclusively using a mallet and chisel, he reworks these salvaged pieces of timber into his signature biomorphic forms through a largely intuitive and improvisational process. A trio of three works commissioned for the 2020 edition of Frieze Sculpture at Rockefeller Center, New York marked the artist’s first foray into bronze casting in his six decade long career; a turning point in the development of how his timber works are expressed. Geometric Plateau marks the artist’s latest foray into this iteration of his work.
Sculpture Talks bring together regional, national, and international artists, curators, and professionals to discuss the medium of sculpture focusing on the artists included in Sculpture Milwaukee.
Co-sponsored by the Milwaukee Art Museum’s African American Art Alliance and Sculpture Milwaukee hosted at MARN’s Arts + Culture Hub.
Register and read more HERE