Peter Halley: Recent Paintings
at Xippas, Paris
October 16, 2021 —January 15, 2022
108, rue Vieille du Temple
75003 Paris
For his third personal exhibition in Xippas’ Parisian space, Peter Halley will present his “constructor paintings” for the first time in France. This new cycle of works transcends the conventional form of the square or the rectangle and reorganizes the real in a puzzle that is different each time.
Openly composed of several frames, the new paintings of Peter Halley revolt against flatness. They create an illusion of volume, even a forced perspective, and amplify their architectural character. Blocks of color are juxtaposed like facades in a street view, drawing the profile of the modernist city. The towers rise up, scratching the sky, seeming to stand out from the ground (unless it’s their foundations that sag, as often happens with ivory towers). Grid windows mysteriously glow and create a half-physical, half-digital landscape that could just as easily be the desktop of a laptop screen with multiple apps open simultaneously. Out of nowhere, a science-fiction city appears.
Read more HERE