
Carole Vanderlinden

Carole Vanderlinden (b. 1973, Brussels) paints improvisational works that are at once elemental—form, line, gesture—and dense with spectral layers. Working since the mid-1990s, she pares the world around her down to its essentials: shelter, sustenance, nature. In her canvases and works on paper, she is unhampered by the constraints of a single style, instead reacting to the provocations of each composition and the possibilities of her medium. Abstraction and figuration coalesce, while collage, drawing, and planes of thick, hand-mixed oil paint harmonize. Though they are informed by myriad art-historical movements, particularly the Dutch masters, the European avant-garde (especially Dada), folk art, and the aleatory strategies of John Cage, her paintings nimbly elude the trappings of categorization, equally animated by music, quotidian life, and philosophy. Vanderlinden likens her painting practice to a shield that protects her from, and helps her grapple with, the world around her. Vanderlinden lives in Brussels.

Her recent solo exhibitions include Karma (New York and Los Angeles, 2024); PLUS-ONE Gallery (2022, 2020); de Warande, Turnhout, Belgium (2019); Gallery Sofie Van de Velde, Antwerp (2019); Zwart Huis, Brussels (2018); and De GARAGE, Mechelen, Belgium, (2016). In 2017, she participated in the ​​Kathmandu Triennale. Vanderlinden’s work is included in the collections of the Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (S.M.A.K), Ghent, Belgium; Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerp; National Bank of Belgium, Brussels; and Flemish Community Collection.

Single work, Carole Vanderlinden

Born 1973, Brussels, Belgium
Lives in Brussels



MFA, BFA, Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK), Ghent, Belgium



Karma, New York

Karma, Los Angeles, A slipping glance


PLUS-ONE Gallery, Antwerp, A slipping glance


PLUS-ONE Gallery, Antwerp, À Double Face


Gallery Sofie Van de Velde, Antwerp, One Piece at a Time

de Warande, Turnhout, Belgium, UPPERCUT

WILFORD X, Temse, Belgium, Les peintures de Kathmandu, 360° KUNST: Chapter 1, curated by Philippe Van Cauteren


Zwart Huis, Brussels, Eight paintings

Garage Neven, Ninove, Belgium, Out of the blue


Édition Populaire, Antwerp, Totem

Zwart Huis, Brussels, Mon seul désir


De GARAGE, Mechelen, Belgium, La salle à manger de l’Hôtel Leys, portraits et autres paysages imaginaires


Kristof De Clercq gallery, Ghent, Belgium


Musée Roger Raveel, Zulte, Belgium, Nocturne, curated by Hans Theys


Pocketroom, Antwerp, Play with the Peacock


croxhapox, Ghent, Belgium, crox 316


croxhapox, Ghent, Belgium, crox 128

SELECTED Group Exhibitions


Kunstencentrum Ten Bogaerde, Koksijde, Belgium, Who Are You?

Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (S.M.A.K.), Ghent, Belgium, Painting After Painting


70 Main Street, Thomaston, Maine, A Particular Kind of Heaven

OV Project, Brussels, Disorder, Transmission, Love in Silence, with Goro Kakei

PLUS-ONE Gallery, Antwerp, Disabstraction Sunrise, curated by Xavier Noiret-Thomé

Contemporary Art Projects (CAPS), Oostende, Belgium, Ensor en Sortie


LLS Paleis, Antwerp, Décroissance-Erntedankfest

Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (S.M.A.K.), Ghent, Belgium, Grace Ndiritu: Healing The Museum

Hopstreet Gallery, Deurle, Belgium, Alles van waarde is weerloos

LLS Paleis, Antwerp, Affiniteiten #5


de Warande, Turnhout, Belgium, OUDE WIJN / NIEUWE ZAKKEN

PLUS-ONE Gallery, Antwerp, Infinite Flowers, Part 4


Wannegem-Lede, Belgium, Pass 2021, curated by Jan Hoet Jr. and Kris Martin

PLUS-ONE Gallery, Antwerp, Carole Vanderlinden & Carlos Caballero


Musée Roger Raveel, Zulte, Belgium, Murals


Gallery Sofie Van de Velde, Antwerp, Looking at the world through rose coloured glasses

Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst (M HKA), Antwerp, Salon de Peinture

tegenboschvanvreden, Amsterdam, THE PAINTING SHOW


Van Buuren Museum & Gardens, Brussels, PRESENT

Musée Roger Raveel, Zulte, Belgium, Biënnale van de Schilderkunst

Gallery Sofie Van de Velde and PLUS-ONE Gallery, Antwerp, Lust, Laughter, Liquor

Salon4mains, Autun, France, Voyage autour d’un lapin posé, curated by Hans Theys


Kathmandu Triennale, Nepal, The City, My Studio / The City, My Life, curated by Philippe Van Cauteren

Design Museum Gent, Ghent, Belgium, Rechts / Averechts, curated by Els Huygelen


CC De Werft, Geel, Belgium, UNGENAU, een selectie uit collectie van het S.M.A.K., curated by Philippe Van Cauteren

Musée Roger Raveel, Zulte, Belgium, Biënnale van de schilderkunst: Yoknapatawpha

croxhapox, Ghent, Belgium, SX MT VRF #1

Galerie d’Apostrof, Meigem, Belgium, Omber, Odradek & Octaëder, curated by Hans Theys


Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium, TRACKS – IN 4 project, Kiwanis, curated by Gino Debruyne


Musée Roger Raveel, Zulte, Belgium, Biënnale van de schilderkunst

croxhapox, Ghent, Belgium, Verf Na Van Eyck


Galerie Marion De Cannière, Antwerp, The Gunshot, curated by Hans Theys

Galerie Rasche Ripken, Berlin, 4 Aus Belgien

Voorkamer, Lier, Belgium, ik wordt, curated by Johan De Wilde


Belfius Bank, Brussels, Brisure. Artistieke verwantschappen, curated by Stef Van Bellingen


Pocketroom, Antwerp, Nietsvermoedend in het park

Villa De Olmen, Wieze, Belgium, La part des anges


Brabants Kenniscentrum Kunst en Cultuur (Kunstloc Brabant), Tilburg, Netherlands, Buiten, curated by G. De Pooter


Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (S.M.A.K.), Ghent, De Collectie NUCLEO, curated by Philippe Van Cauteren and Sjoerd Paridaen

Museum van Elsene, Brussels, FADING, curated by Sven Vanderstichelen


Bozar, Brussels, Canvascollectie


Z33, Hasselt, Belgium, SLOW, curated by Marina Yee


croxhapox, Ghent, Belgium, crox 239


Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, Ghent, Belgium, Grand Tour


Art Box, Waregem, Belgium, curated by Marc Maet


Flemish Community Collection

Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerp

National Bank of Belgium

Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (S.M.A.K.), Ghent, Belgium
