Sanaa Gateja

Sanaa Gateja: Selected Works, installation view, Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire, October 19, 2023–January 14, 2024. Photo by Morgan Karanasios

Look over Yonder, 2020, paper beads on barkcloth, 83¼ × 65¼ inches; 211.45 × 165.74 cm

Voices of Peace, 2023, paper beads on barkcloth, 80 × 62½ inches; 203.2 × 158.75 cm

58th Carnegie International: Is it morning for you yet?, installation view, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, September 24, 2022–April 2, 2023

58th Carnegie International: Is it morning for you yet?, installation view, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, September 24, 2022–April 2, 2023

58th Carnegie International: Is it morning for you yet?, installation view, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, September 24, 2022–April 2, 2023

58th Carnegie International: Is it morning for you yet?, installation view, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, September 24, 2022–April 2, 2023

58th Carnegie International: Is it morning for you yet?, installation view, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, September 24, 2022–April 2, 2023

58th Carnegie International: Is it morning for you yet?, installation view, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, September 24, 2022–April 2, 2023

Sanaa Gateja, Think Home, 2022, paper beads on barkcloth, 32 × 21¼ inches; 81.28 × 53.98 cm

Ripe, 2022, paper, acrylic, vegetal tints on bark cloth, 76¾ × 66⅛ inches; 195 × 168 cm

Caring, 2020, paper beads on barkcloth, 84½ × 45 inches; 214.63 × 114.3 cm

Girls Voice, 2021, paper beads on barkcloth, 49 × 33½ inches; 124.46 × 85.09 cm

Self Sufficiency, 2020, paper beads on barkcloth, 82 × 40¼ inches; 208.28 × 102.24 cm

Family Meeting, 2020, paper beads on barkcloth, 81½ × 75¼ inches; 207.01 × 191.13 cm

Rolled Secrets, installation view, Karma, New York, June 27–August 18, 2023

Rolled Secrets, installation view, Karma, New York, June 27–August 18, 2023

Thirst, no date, paper, acrylic, natural dyes, stitching on bark cloth, 90½ × 59 inches; 230 × 150 cm

Home, 2021, paper, acrylic stitched on bark cloth, 82⅝ × 66⅞ inches; 210 × 170 cm

Help, 2021, paper beads on barkcloth, 54 × 37¾ inches; 137.16 × 95.89 cm

Rolled Secrets, installation view, Karma, New York, June 27–August 18, 2023

After the Birds, 2023, paper beads on barkcloth, 58¾ × 27¾ inches; 149.22 × 70.48 cm

Soil Fertility, 2023, paper beads on barkcloth, 49¾ × 59½ inches; 126.36 × 151.13 cm

Thought Structure 2, 2021, paper beads on barkcloth, 42 inches; 106.68 cm diameter

Thought Structure 1, 2021, paper beads on barkcloth, 35 inches; 88.9 cm diameter

Grown up, 2021, paper beads on woven rafia, 70½ × 27½ inches; 179.07 × 69.85 cm

For the Life of a Child, 2021, paper beads on barkcloth, 55½ × 62 inches; 140.97 × 157.48 cm