
Before Sunrise
Dike Blair, Cecily Brown, Carroll Dunham, Alex Katz, Lee Lozano, Fairfield Porter, Torey Thornton, Jonas Wood
June 25–July 11, 2016

249 Main Street
Amagansett, NY 11937

The sun was rising just opposite; the whole valley of the Nile, bathed in mist, seemed to be a still white sea; and the desert behind us, with its hillocks of sand, another ocean, deep purple, its waves all petrified. But as the sun climbed behind the Arabian chain the mist was torn into great shreds of filmy gauze; the meadows, cut by canals, were like green lawns with winding borders. To sum up: three colors immense green at my feet in the foreground; the sky pale red—worn vermilion; behind and to the right, a rolling expanse looking scorched and iridescent, with the minarets of Cairo, canges passing in the distance, clusters of palms.

Finally the sky shows a streak of orange where the sun is about to rise. Everything between the horizon and us is all white and looks like an ocean; this recedes and lifts. The sun, it seems, is moving fast and climbing above oblong clouds that look like swan’s down, of an inexpressible softness; the trees in the groves around the villages (Gizeh, Matariyeh, Bedrashein, etc) seem to be in the sky itself, for the entire perspective is perpendicular, as I once saw it before, from the Port de la Picade in the Pyrenees; behind us, when we turn around, is the desert—purple waves of sand, a purple ocean.

—excerpt from Flaubert in Egypt

The three exhibitions Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, and Before Midnight explore our continually transforming relationship to landscape. The works range from precisely-rendered picturesque scenes, to distorted surreal realms with far-out arrangements, to reductive abstract representations of nature.
