My American Dream: Capturing a Glimpse of Elaine and Her Circle
Elaine de Kooning House
Summer Residency, 2019
My American Dream: Capturing a Glimpse of Elaine and Her Circle
Elaine de Kooning House
Summer Residency, 2019

Everyone's Dying to Get in Here: Elaine de Kooning at the Green River Cemetery, 2019, oil on linen, 28 × 20 inches

Elaine de Kooning in her Studio (Painted in her Studio), 2019, oil on linen, 20 × 28 inches

Iconscape 2 (for Adam), 2019, oil on linen, 36 × 55 inches

My Prometheus: E de K and her JFK's (from a photo by Tom Powel) , 2019, oil on linen, 82 × 56 inches; 208.3 × 142.2 cm, Photo by Tom Powel

Iconscape 1 (for Elaine), 2019, oil on linen, 39 × 50 inches

Unerased de Koonings, 2019, oil on linen, 36 × 33 inches

Small Iconscape #4 (for Lois), 2019, oil on linen, 26 × 24 inches

Large Iconscape #5 (through the woods), 2019, oil on linen, 56 × 39 inches

Plein air Pollock Krasner House and Barn, 2019, oil on linen, 36 × 54 inches

Large Iconscape (horizontal) #3, 2019, oil on linen, 39 × 56 inches

Young Jackson Pollock, 2019, oil on linen, 20 × 16 inches

The Irascibles, 2019, oil on linen, 82 × 80 inches