
Marley Freeman
Born Twins
Downstairs Projects
November 10 – January 21, 2018

1713 8th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Echoes, 2017, acrylic on linen, 10 x 12 inches

Echoes, 2017, acrylic on linen, 10 × 12 inches

Outside the City, 2017, oil and acrylic on linen, 14 x 16 inches

Outside the City, 2017, oil and acrylic on linen, 14 × 16 inches

Inner hands, 2017, oil and acrylic on linen, 14 x 16 inches

Inner hands, 2017, oil and acrylic on linen, 14 × 16 inches

Picture, 2017, oil and acrylic on linen, 10 x 12 inches

Picture, 2017, oil and acrylic on linen, 10 × 12 inches

Other-me, 2017, oil and acrylic on linen, 10 x 12 inches

Other-me, 2017, oil and acrylic on linen, 10 × 12 inches

Other-me, 2017

Other-me, 2017
