
Piotr Uklański
Yalla Habibi
August 25–September 23, 2012

249 Main Street
Amagansett, NY 11937

Piotr, I’m interested to hear how you got to Arabia.

I like the idea of the black stallion and the Arab horses and the tan camels. And America and the current religious war. The star spangled banner.

But I also like the Arab language as a visual – as a poster. Addressed to people who are in a beach state of mind.

Golf here. Kite riding there. Patriot and SCUD missiles. Reading a missile for the misses. A prayer for the masses. A Great Gatsby.

The judge told us ‘no porn’. But what’s more grave? ‘Yalla, yalla’ sung by the US soldiers in Iraq? Or perhaps those foreign characters. With their sword swooping and curving lines. Their forms almost carve the shape of a Uklański ceramic painting. Intricately fit together letters that spell a word, a phrase. Omar Souleyman blaring on the radio. Slavs and Tatars.

I like it baby. Come on, baby.

Yalla habibi. A bibi a bibi a bibi.

Karma is pleased to announce Yalla Habibi —an exhibition of new work by Piotr Uklański.
