SoiL Thornton
Agro Fiddling
July 20–August 31, 2013
39 Great Jones Street
New York, NY 10012
SoiL Thornton
Agro Fiddling
July 20–August 31, 2013
39 Great Jones Street
New York, NY 10012

Untitled Hunks and Curves, 2013, acrylic paint, spray paint, charcoal, graphite, and collage on paper, 54 × 46 inches

Fight Over Dodgeball Buns, 2013, acrylic, spray paint and collage on panel, 72 × 95 1⁄2 inches

Untitled Ropebust, 2013, acrylic paint, spray paint, and collage on paper, 54 × 46 inches

Fisting Singer, 2013, Spray paint, acrylic, graphite, collage and glue on wood panel, 54 × 46 inches

Staghorns Gotta Eat Too, 2013, acrylic, graphite, glue and collage on slatted panel, 63 1⁄2 × 64 inches

I Know You Like Fish and All, But This Is Just Soft, 2013, acrylic paint, spray paint, cat hair, graphite and collage on paper, 47 1⁄2 × 36 inches

Blue Peahead With Girly Raincoat, 2013, acrylic, spray paint and collage on wood panel, 54 × 46 inches

Father Earth’s Dryer, 2013, acrylic, oil and graphite and collage on paper, 17 1⁄2 × 23 inches

You Wrecked My Plant, 2013, acrylic and oil on paper, 23 × 17 1⁄2 inches

Mufasa Mask, 2013, acrylic, oil stick, spray paint and graphite on paper, 17 1⁄2 × 23 inches

Untitled Duplicate Painting, 2013, acrylic, spray paint and ink on paper, 23 × 17 1⁄2 inches

Unmashed Bowl no.1, 2013, acrylic paint, spray paint, graphite, white out, hemp, glue and collage on paper, 25 1⁄2 × 17 inches

Standing in the Way of the View, 2013, acrylic and oil stick on paper, 17 1⁄2 × 23 inches

Study for Toilet Painting, 2012, ink on paper, 9 1⁄2 × 7 1⁄4 inches

Crotch Space Or A Bird Over An Antenna, 2013, ink, Sharpie, crayon and graphite on paper, 10 1⁄2 × 8 inches

Untitled Color Sheet, 2013, puffy paint, staples, Sharpie, white-out and collage on paper, 10 1⁄2 × 7 3⁄4 inches