Dike Blair, Will Boone, Jean Conner, Alex Da Corte, Nicolas Party, Walter Price, Spencer Sweeney, Matthew Wong, Jonas Wood
With a wallpaper installation by Urs Fischer
Karma at Zona Maco, Mexico City
February 7–9, 2018
AV. Conscripto 311
Lomas de Sotelo
CDMX, 11200
Dike Blair, Will Boone, Jean Conner, Alex Da Corte, Nicolas Party, Walter Price, Spencer Sweeney, Matthew Wong, Jonas Wood
With a wallpaper installation by Urs Fischer
Karma at Zona Maco, Mexico City
February 7–9, 2018
AV. Conscripto 311
Lomas de Sotelo
CDMX, 11200

Spencer Sweeney, Headz Party Painting, 2018, oil pastel on paper, 66 × 47 3⁄4 inches (unframed); 70 × 51 3⁄4 inches (framed)

Spencer Sweeney, Headz Party Painting, 2017, oil pastel on paper, 35 3⁄4 × 28 inches (unframed); 38 3⁄4 × 31 inches (framed)

Nicolas Party, Back with a Crown, 2017, soft pastel on canvas, 89 3⁄4 × 32 inches

Nicolas Party, Back with Worms, 2017, soft pastel on canvas, 89 3⁄4 × 32 inches

Nicolas Party, Back with a Crown, 2017, soft pastel on canvas, 89 3⁄4 × 32 inches

Alex Da Corte, Bad Break (II), 2018, plexiglass, vinyl film, vinyl siding, plywood, laminate, house paint, hardware, 72 × 72 × 4 inches

Jean Conner, Undersea, 1982, paper collage, 9 15⁄16 × 10 5⁄8 inches (unframed); 18 3⁄8 × 18 7⁄8 inches (framed)

Jean Conner, Hummingbirds, 1980, paper collage, 9 11⁄16 × 8 3⁄8 inches (unframed); 18 1⁄8 × 16 3⁄4 inches (framed)

Nicolas Party, Tree Trunks, 2017, soft pastel on pastel card, 15 3⁄4 × 11 3⁄4 inches

Matthew Wong, The Conversation, 2017, oil on canvas, 24 × 36 inches

Matthew Wong,

Jonas Wood, Hammer 15, 2010, gouache and colored pencil on paper, 19 × 23 inches

Will Boone, Beverly Pizza, 2013, enamel on canvas, 48 × 32 inches

Dike Blair, Untitled, 2017, oil on wooden panel, 24 × 18 inches

Spencer Sweeney, Headz Party Painting, 2018, acrylic and distemper on canvas, 55 1⁄2 × 44 inches; 59 1⁄2 × 49 inches framed