Paul Mogensen in “8/XXX” Group Show
at Carlier | Gebauer Berlin
November 20, 2021 – February 23, 2022
Markgrafenstraße 67
10969 Berlin
How do you celebrate the 30th anniversary of a gallery in an exhibition? One could retell its story. Stories belong in books however, whereas the exhibition is a matter of the here and now of the artworks. Carlier | gebauer’s birthday exhibition is not a retrospective, not a survey, it is an improvisation without a fixed theme with works by 8 artists from different generations and with different histories – Leonor Antunes, Rosa Barba, Michel François, Luis Gordillo, Rachel Harrison, Harriet Korman, Paul Mogensen, Thomas Schütte. There is no program that connects them; solely the gaze on the works, the visual evidence of the exhibition.
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