Paul Mogensen, no title, 1973, cadmium red deep oil and oil on canvas, 92 × 102 inches; 233.7 × 259.1 cm
A Conversation on Paul Mogensen, Paintings: 1965-2022
at Karma, New York
Tuesday, April 18th, 7–8pm
188 E 2nd Street
New York, NY 10009
On the occasion of the exhibition Paul Mogensen, Painting: 1965-2022, Karma is pleased to present a conversation between aritists Paul Mogensen and Dorothea Rockburne, moderated art critic Barry Schwabsky.
This conversation will take place in-person and has limited seating, but it will also be live-streamed on karmakarma.org
Read more and register HERE

Paul Mogensen,
no title (double spiral on Cadmium Red), 1976, oil paint and stand oil on canvas, 72 inches diameter; 182.9 cm diameter
Paul Mogensen in Structuring Light
at Maruani Mercier, Brussels
April 26, 2022 – June 11, 2022
Av. Louise 430
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
MARUANI MERCIER is pleased to present three contemporary masters of abstraction: Marina Adams, Paul Mogensen, and Joanna Pousette-Dart. Each of these artists represent a slightly different generation of New York painters, all working with light, color, and form, creating works that challenge and inspire our conception of what painting can mean. The result is a crystalized moment of vision and a manifestation of stasis: a quiet reflection in a fast-moving world.
Read more HERE
Paul Mogensen in “8/XXX” Group Show
at Carlier | Gebauer Berlin
November 20, 2021 – February 23, 2022
Markgrafenstraße 67
10969 Berlin
How do you celebrate the 30th anniversary of a gallery in an exhibition? One could retell its story. Stories belong in books however, whereas the exhibition is a matter of the here and now of the artworks. Carlier | gebauer’s birthday exhibition is not a retrospective, not a survey, it is an improvisation without a fixed theme with works by 8 artists from different generations and with different histories – Leonor Antunes, Rosa Barba, Michel François, Luis Gordillo, Rachel Harrison, Harriet Korman, Paul Mogensen, Thomas Schütte. There is no program that connects them; solely the gaze on the works, the visual evidence of the exhibition.
Read more HERE

Paul Mogensen,
no title (graphite and acrylic lacquer, four rectangles), 1966,
graphite and acrylic lacquer on canvas,
4 parts, overall: 132 × 84 × 2 inches; 335.3 × 213.4 × 5.1 cm
Paul Mogensen
January 23–March 6, 2021
Blum & Poe
2727 S. La Cienega Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90034

Paul Mogensen, no title, Stand oil and oil paint on canvas, 60 × 60 inches; 152.4 × 152.4 cm
Paul Mogensen in the 2019 Ceremonial Exhibition: Work By New Members and Recipients of Awards
at The American Academy of Arts and Letters
May 23–June 16, 2019
633 West 155 Street
New York, NY 10032

Paul Mogensen, no title, stand oil and ink on canvas, 60 × 60 inches; 152.4 × 152.4 cm
Paul Mogensen in 2019 Invitational Exhibition of Visual Arts
The American Academy of Arts and Letters
March 7 – April 7, 2019
633 West 155 Street
New York, NY 10032