
Kathleen Ryan: Cultivator
MIT List Visual Arts Center
February 8–April 21, 2019
20 Ames Street, Bldg. E15
Atrium level
Cambridge, MA 02139

Mother of Pearl, 2019,
Iron, abalone shell,
93.5 x 39 x 15 inches

Mother of Pearl, 2019, Iron, abalone shell, 93.5 × 39 × 15 inches

Mother of Pearl (detail), 2019, Iron, abalone shell,
93.5 x 39 x 15 inches

Mother of Pearl (detail), 2019, Iron, abalone shell, 93.5 × 39 × 15 inches

Galaxie 300, 2019, Black and white bowling balls, brass, Approximately 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 600-1,146 inches

Galaxie 300, 2019, Black and white bowling balls, brass, Approximately 8 12 × 8 12 × 600-1,146 inches

Galaxie 300 (detail), 2019, Black and white bowling balls, brass, Approximately 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 600-1,146 inches

Galaxie 300 (detail), 2019, Black and white bowling balls, brass, Approximately 8 12 × 8 12 × 600-1,146 inches

Cultivator, 2019, Onyx, brass, cast iron, 88 x 24 x 24 inches

Cultivator, 2019, Onyx, brass, cast iron, 88 × 24 × 24 inches

Cultivator (detail), 2019,
Onyx, brass, cast iron,
88 x 24 x 24 inches

Cultivator (detail), 2019, Onyx, brass, cast iron, 88 × 24 × 24 inches
